YM-Thermodynamics 2024, 45: SU(2) Black-Body Anomaly

For a bolometric, radiometric detection of low-frequency modifications of black-body spectra at temperatures between 5 - 20 K, so the relevant quantity is the spectral radiance L(ν, T) = c/(4π) ⨉ I(ν, T). In a deconfining SU(2) plasma, the velocity of light in vacuum is replaced by a group velocity through the (anti)screening function G. From the spectral energy density, given as

Propagating photon frequencies don't allow for any heat exchange, as the radiance differentials wrt. the solid-angle elements defined on a sphere, so by using Snell's law, and separation of variables, derive the radiance line temperature.

Radiometric measurements inside the frequency regime of total screening may test the postulate for SU(2)CMB, rather than U(1).


Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 2024, 51: Couette Flow


YM-Thermodynamics 2024, 43: Black-Body Anomaly