The Morning of November 12th, 2193

We don't know much about the morning of November 12th, 2193. Only a few things, we can be certain of. Those things have been pre-determined, set in proverbial stone. We know that it will rain. We can tell this from the slowing rotation between the earth's core and its mantle. This will of course slow several of the now common weather phenomena, but predictions like these are - in the greater picture - not very interesting. They are, at this point, inevitable, and the data we have clearly dictates paths of action to all possible outcomes. What makes November 12th, 2193 so peculiar is a series of events that will result in a minor tragedy that will occur at 9:28 AM on the intersection between Oakridge and 21st. As of time of computation, these streets are not yet connected, though an increase of worker population in the adjacent buildings will necessitate the crossing be completed by the year 2181, when a series of renovations will have to be performed on both the buildings, and a nearby water purification plant. The latter, specifically, will expand into a multi-building complex, and employ a large portion of the local population. As such, the crossing will turn into a prominent traffic node.

One Liana Rubin, as of time of computation, married to one Johannes Rubin, is projected to be widowed by March of 2184 at the latest. In preparation of this, both her and her husband as of time of computation have decided to adopt a dog. While this has not happened yet, they will have done so by April of 2182. The details on the animal are otherwise indeterminate, other than it being a largely unremarkable dog. Due to the close proximity, it will be quite familiar with the crossing, but due to the heavy traffic, if will remain somewhat weary, up to November 12th, 2193.

The declining number of employees at the prophetic computation records will facilitate a number of regulatory reforms. Most relevant for this report will be the reduction in preconfiguration time, according to which each record will only need to be read twelve months in advance to their prediction. This is normally considered an acceptable time-span to react, or more often prepare, for the events described.

On October 11th, 2191 a streamlining measure was introduced to the prophetic computation records by its labour evaluation department, wherein records need to be marked "begun" and the time until filing is recorded for posterity. This was suggested to reduce the storage space for employee records, while identifying unscheduled breaks taken in between filed records. The pilot project was declared a failure on December 1st 2191, and a second run was started on July 2192 with a larger sample size, upon objections against shelving the idea on account of the labour evaluation department.

Against the recommendations from August 20th 2132 regarding the decision on whether to revise the qualifications of prophetic computation records staff on December 30th 2141, the demand that staff be assessed on their personal stress and availability levels in intervals of between two to four months was suspended. Under the regular assessment guidelines, prophetic computation records staff member number 412393 (name redacted) would have been on temporary leave during November 12th and 2192 due to (condition redacted). While reading the file regarding November 12th, 2193, generated February 2nd 2188, staff member 412393 will be informed of a personal emergency, regarding (event redacted), which will have caused him to leave the prophetic computation records centre in haste, without informing a peer or supervisor. This will result in the file regarding November 12th, 2193, generated February 2nd 2188 being left partially read, but filed as it was marked as "begun" at the end of its termination time on November 12th, 2192.

Had the file regarding November 12th, 2193, generated February 2nd 2188 been read in its entirety, the likely preparation regarding Liana Rubin would have been either a recommendation to not leave the building on November 12th 2193, or issue an abroad vacation to no cost of the Rubin household for the week starting on November 11th 2193.

Since the preparation process was not set in motion, Liana Rubin will be home, and at around 9:20 AM, will walk her dog. The dog will be spooked by the heavy machinery of the nearby water purification plant, escape its leash, and not return until November 14th 2193. Liana Rubin is projected to live until November 13th 2193.

- generated February 2nd 2188


Sidewalks in Winter


Slow Blink